How can I trust my testsuite?

Antonello D'Ippolito - Amsterdam PHP, April 2024

Feedback loops

🇮🇹 CIAO! 🤌

Antonello D'Ippolito

Software engineer @ Mollie


Shercode Holmes

Test coverage

Test coverage is a measure used to describe the degree to which the source code of a program is executed when a particular test suite runs

class NuclearReactor
  public function isDangerous(int $temperature): bool
    if ($temperature >= 1000) {
      return true;
    return false;

class NuclearReactorTest extends TestCase
  public function testIsDangerous(): void
    $nuclearReactor = new NuclearReactor();
from "Tests Coverage is Dead" by Yotam Kadishay

class NuclearReactor
  public function isDangerous(int $temperature): bool
    if ($temperature > 1000) {
      return true;
    return false;

class NuclearReactorTest extends TestCase
  public function testIsDangerous(): void
    $nuclearReactor = new NuclearReactor();
from "Tests Coverage is Dead" by Yotam Kadishay
A lot of the value of code coverage data is to highlight not what’s covered, but what’s not covered.

from "Code Coverage Best Practices", Google Testing Blog

Cyclomatic complexity
CRAP index

Cyclomatic complexity is a quantitative measure of the number of linearly independent paths through a program's source code
High cyclomatic complexity means:

code is hard to understand

code is hard to test properly

code is hard to change

CRAP index

\begin{align} C.R.A.P. &= comp(m)^2 · (1 - \frac{cov(m)}{100})^3 + comp(m) \end{align}

from "Pardon My French, But This Code Is C.R.A.P." by Alberto Savoia
Not all the units of code
are equally important
Churn is a metric representing
how often a unit of code is modified
(ex. number of commits)
from "Getting Empirical about Refactoring" by Michael Feathers

Better, but it's still about coverage,
not the quality of the tests

Avoid mocking frameworks
and testing implementation

James Shore - Testing without mocks

Test doubles
Mocking frameworks

class NuclearReactor
  public function __construct(
    private TemperatureSensor $sensor
  ) {}

  public function isDangerous(): bool
    if ($this->sensor->currentTemperature() >= 1000) {
      return true;
    return false;

class NuclearReactorTest extends TestCase
  public function testIsDangerousWithMock(): void
    $sensor = $this->createMock(TemperatureSensor::class);

    $nuclearReactor = new NuclearReactor($sensor);

class NuclearReactorTest extends TestCase
  public function testIsDangerousWithoutMocks(): void
    $sensor = new FakeTemperatureSensor(2000);

    $nuclearReactor = new NuclearReactor($sensor);
Cool, but let's find metrics!

Mutation testing

If you make a change that alters the meaning of your code, will one of your tests detect it?
  • Create a mutant
  • If a test fails -> mutant killed
  • If no test fails -> mutant escaped

class NuclearReactor
  public function isDangerous(int $temperature): bool
    if ($temperature >= 1000) {
      return true;
    return false;

class NuclearReactor
  public function isDangerous(int $temperature): bool
    if ($temperature > 1000) {
      return true;
    return false;

Live coding

... is risky, so I won't do it

class NuclearReactorTest extends TestCase
  public function testIsDangerous(): void
    $nuclearReactor = new NuclearReactor();

class NuclearReactorTest extends TestCase
  public function testIsDangerous(): void
    $nuclearReactor = new NuclearReactor();


  • Easy to setup and run
  • Might spot potential critical bugs
  • Improves your testing skills


  • Can't merge different tools results
  • Some mutants are harmless
  • Slower than other testing tools

How to use it?

To assess the effectiveness of a testsuite!

Setting a minimum MSI in pipeline

While developing a new feature, on a small scope

Ok, I have the tools, now what?

Tools are never the final answer!

Feedback loops are! So...

release frequently


take educated risks!

learn from failures


Twitter: @antodippo | Mastodon: @antodippo |